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Mountain Fog

Isaiah 58:12 Foundation

Our Mission 

The Isaiah 58:12 Foundation's goal is to help people in need. That can be with prayer requests, financial blessings from God or an investment into your business. 

We love Startups.

Are You seeking an Investment? 

We Invest in startups.  As experienced Founders with multiple successful exits we have a deep understanding of new tech ideas and what it takes to succeed in todays world all the while keeping focused on God and his path for the company. 

An Agent Of God Book 


5.0 out of 5 stars This book literally changed my life overnight!

"This book has literally changed my life! If you've felt something tugging on your heart to know more about God and don't know where to start.... OR if you're a mature Christian and need to reignite the fire, an AGENT OF GOD is just that book! (Anita also prints these books and will send them to you for free as a part of her self-funded ministry)."

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